Let the seasons begin

Posted on 15:59:00 by Livi Gerbase | 1 scraps

If I was young, I'd flee this town
I'd bury my dreams underground
As did I, we drink to die, we drink tonight
Beirut - Elefant Gun

argh... 2010 o.o
I'm feeling old already
Saying goodbyes to classmates and friends, studying like a pig. :P
Reading boring books
and some hidden itens that I shall not explain
someone please give a good side of 2010
(Only one: Arctic in 29 days :D)

Some Photos of the trip
1th in front of the museum of art and history (you can't take pictures inside o.o)
2th in a very cute village that I forgot the name :P

ps: Don't worry: more polemic and deep posts in 2010 xD

1 scraps:

iami gerbase disse...

adorei o obs... o ano vai se bom live, nao se preocupa... vai ser O ANO! posaposaposapsoa