Dead Peasants Life Insurence

Posted on 21:25:00 by Livi Gerbase | 0 scraps

And again, its all about the money. money money money
I recentlly saw the new Michael Moore's movie 'Capitalism, a Love Story' (I recommend, really good), and, among lots of creepy and disgusting stories, this one is the one that surprise me the most:

Companies are actually taking advantages of their employers deaths!

I would write everything here, but I watched this video on You Tube that describes everything in a easy and fast way. Watch it, its worth it
(sorry, it's impossible to put the video here,I don't know exactly why)

Some things that the video doesnt say
The most famous companies that profit with this Dead Peasants policy are:
Wall-Mart (the worst one), Nestle USA, Wall Disney (VERY SAD to know that, really :T) and Coca Cola Company.

Related Links - to read more about it

I think that's it
Kisses and Hugs for everyone


Posted on 22:08:00 by Livi Gerbase | 1 scraps

They are big, gorgeous, quiet and totally harmless for human beings, but they are almost desappearing from earth. Cows, fishes and chickens arent enough for the human race? Do we really have to eat whales to survive? The japonese people think we do.
Whaling is something so ridiculous that deserves to be the first to be written about.

Since the dawn of men, men chase and hunt whales. In the past, I can kind of understand this habit, but now, with internet and its tons of information about extinction of species and ecology, some countries [mainly Japan (that is responsable por over 50% of whaling and have the guts to say that its all for science) and Norway] keep hunting these adorables animals. And its just for the food, because the oil doesnt have the value nowadays that it used to have.
The worst is that over 2 millions of whales were killed in this century. Therefore, this disgusting habit has followers and buyers.
The main issue is the enormous quantity of pain they suffer because of all this: first, they are chased for hours. When they are finally exausted and give up, harpoons penetrate for almost 30cm on their skin. This horrible pain can last for over an hour, because they can survive with only their main organs working.

I really cant belive that in the 21th century we still torture animals in this ancient and horrible way. Really stupid =P
So.. SapiensSapiens?