Let the seasons begin

Posted on 15:59:00 by Livi Gerbase | 1 scraps

If I was young, I'd flee this town
I'd bury my dreams underground
As did I, we drink to die, we drink tonight
Beirut - Elefant Gun

argh... 2010 o.o
I'm feeling old already
Saying goodbyes to classmates and friends, studying like a pig. :P
Reading boring books
and some hidden itens that I shall not explain
someone please give a good side of 2010
(Only one: Arctic in 29 days :D)

Some Photos of the trip
1th in front of the museum of art and history (you can't take pictures inside o.o)
2th in a very cute village that I forgot the name :P

ps: Don't worry: more polemic and deep posts in 2010 xD


Posted on 15:35:00 by Livi Gerbase | 2 scraps

My uncle and my aunt (owners of the house) and my sisters

Geneve is so wonderful! My sister and I traveled (plane+airport) for 36 hours, because of the snow (our flights got canceled) , but all worth it. I just can`t be mad with the snow, I LOOOOVE her! I defnitly will live in cold place with lots of snow when I grow up.
Au revoir

The Story of Cap & Trade

Posted on 23:22:00 by Livi Gerbase | 0 scraps

Kind of the second part of "The story of stuff" (Four posts below). It's more difficult to understand,
(for dummies, like me :P), but it's cool and very informative.

Au bientot, Livi


Posted on 19:29:00 by Livi Gerbase | 0 scraps

Hey! How are you, my beloved readers? I’m very excited, because my blog has changed, and so have I. I had the same template since I first started here, but I’m not the same. Therefore, it was time for a change =).
I know this template is very simple, but the old was was so cluttered that I had to go with a basic template.
I don’t know if I’ll continue with the URL “foreeveryoung”. I really want to change it, but I have no ideas. I think I’ll change for something like “livigerbase” (Yes, VERY creative).

Meanwhile, I have something to show you:
I love talking about genetics and evolution (especially with my father), and this picture shows almost everything with graffiti. I think it’s very interesting and nice picture, and I hope you will like it too =).
I loved the final message of the picture.



Posted on 17:57:00 by Livi Gerbase | 4 scraps

Not in the mood for English, sorry.
Aaaaa! Aaaaaa! Aaaaaa! Entenderam?
Eu finalmente to conseguindo entender muito mais o que é ser uma adolescente, pois fui sempre mais decidida do que confusa, e sempre achava as respostas pros meus problemas. Eu sempre via em filmes aquelas jovens completamente confusas, seja quando o assunto é personalidade ou amor. Se achar nesse mundo tão caótico é muito difícil. Como uma pergunta tão fácil de fazer, como “WHAT THE F. DO I WANT?” é tão difícil de responder? Culpo a adolescência.
Uma criança: eu quero o que me der vontade. (puro sentimento)
Um adulto: eu quero o que for melhor pra mim. (pura razão)
Um adolescente: não sei. Eu quero o que eu quiser. E o que não machucar ninguém. E o que eu sentir. E o que me faça uma pessoa mais feliz. AAAA!
Agora acha uma solução que preencha todas as colunas. Impossível.
Os adolescentes estão constantemente numa bola de emoções, de diferentes curiosidades e desejos, e escolher entre eles é, no mínimo, difícil.
Resumindo: se alguém quiser me dar o sentido da vida, ou o que é realmente importante, ou o que eu devo fazer, ou qual dos dois planetas, opostos agora pra mim, devo seguir (razão e emoção), be my guest. Enquanto isso, a depressão e a plena alegria estão a um passo de distancia. Instabilidade infernal.