TV Shows

Posted on 21:50:00 by Livi Gerbase | 3 scraps

Hello good people! I'm here because my blog is losing popularity; I only got one scrap on the last post. Huashushashaus kidding :]. Check out the list of the best TV and realities shows ever:
1) The OC: The best show ever, my favorite. The OC had changed my life in so many ways, o grow up watching it. It is about a boy that sees his life changing a lot when he’s helped by Sandy Cohen and went to live with him and his family, and met Marisa, THE girl. I do love this show, and you can say anything about him that I will not care, cause is my passion. In Brazil: Warner Channel, 16h, everyday but weekends (is already finished).
2) Project Runaway: Fifteeeeen designers! Heidi Klum and all her personality and beauty stars a show, witch is about producing clothes. Is so good to watch! The challenges are very good and difficult, is nice to watch the designers trying to do an outfit made by plants or groceries. In Brazil: Now is not passing, but I think this year will start the 4º season, in People and Arts
3) Friends: It’s the best comedy show in the history of television. The jokes are not forced and make you laugh like no other show. Chandler and Rachel are better than the others, but all of them are perfect! I already bought 3 seasons, but I will have all of them soon, I guess. In Brazil: everyday, but weekends, at 20 p.m, in Warner Channel (is already finished).
4) Gossip Girl: It looks like The O.C, is made by the same director, but has more action, more gossip. I got addicted and download everything before launch here, and worth it. In Brazil: Tuesdays, 21 p.m, Warner Channel.
5) Rome: History always gets my attention, and Rome is just like that! It had only 2 seasons, but it’s perfect! It’s not like teens drama, is real historical things! It’s a little “strong”, the kids can’t see it, but what can we do :] In Brazil: Just downloading.
5.1) Gilmore Girls: It’s a lurch! GG is very good TV show about two girls and very good dialogs. Rory and Lorelai doesn’t make us cry (with the exception of the last episode), but it has a totally different way that any other TV show has! In Brazil: everyday, but weekends, at 3 p.m, in Warner Channel
Other really good shows: American Idol, America’s Next Top Model, The Big Bang Theory, Sex and the City, Drake and Josh, Ned.

Kisses and go watch then! Livi

Having 15...

Posted on 22:09:00 by Livi Gerbase | 2 scraps

What a good year that I'm having! In Brazil, the sweet 16 is the sweet 15, and i already have more than five! For change a little, this post is not about big texts, is about parties! The following photos are from Ana’s, Martha’s and Ingrid’s birthdays. And they look very nice, I think.

Gigio, Guigui, Anis, Livi and Vi

Jaque, Livi and Dudys


Good parties for everybody! And let's have some fun!
Livii .

Old fashioned way? Maybe!

Posted on 16:29:00 by Livi Gerbase | 2 scraps

Hello boys and girls, long time no see! In my English course, I always need to write texts about some polemic thing. I love to write them, so I will “glue” (Ctrl+V) here to everyone looks and makes some comments.
The question was: About men’s and women’s rights, what is better: 1) The roles must stay the way they are, men working and women being protected. The roles were defined a long time ago and there is no reason why they should be changes now. 2) Women power, the roles must change!

My answer:

Like I always say, the answer to this situation is finding the equilibrium. If you just stay in one point of view, you will not see the advantages of staying in the other side.
In this modern society that we live in, things have to be change in a lot of situations. The male race cannot think that they are more intelligent or more SUPERIOR than women. The roles for men and women are changing, and will be difficult to stop the girls. But I think that men, knowing or not, like, or will like, this changes. Wouldn’t it be nice, for an example, to not have all the responsibilities about bringing money and be the protector of his family? Sometimes, women like to have this kind of responsibilities and will do those tasks without complaining.
A total revolution, on the other hand, isn’t necessary. To stay unfashionable, sometimes, is the right way, because men and women are different, and act in very different ways. Would be very strange especially to the person who is writing this text, if some things about gentleman stuff suffer a big change. To list some examples, will always be strange if a girl asks a boy out, to make out (hehehe), while is normal to a boy do this invitation. And a man opening the door of the car and paying the bill (in a restaurant situation) on a date will always show respect in relation to the woman.
To finish, I will just remember again: roles are changing and will change more in the near future in the entire world, but will not be a disadvantage to the men race. But another formal roles, totally different from the principal ones, must stay. Because there will always be a men X women fight, but, at the end, they were made to love and respect each other.
I think you notice that it has been a long time since I have put some thoughts here. The reason is that I was trying to stay a week without candies and internet, some of my passions, and you can notice I haven’t concluded. About candies I don’t have an alibi, today my friend Mari brought an orange cake to school, and I ate five slices… :P. However, the Internet has a good reason! I had to choice: I had to reed some e-mails about my birthday party. My conclusion: nowadays, it’s impossible to stay without internet! Not only for fun, but all the negotiations and the paper works needs to be made here! Brilliant, hã?
Kisses, Livi, the Revolutionary Woman
(Spanish teacher)

All you need is love!

Posted on 20:30:00 by Livi Gerbase | 1 scraps

Hello people, happy boyfriend's day! Some of you must be saying “it’s Valentines Day, and this is in February!” Actually, here in Brazil it isn’t, is a day for a happy couple get together, in the boyfriend’s day. Perhaps, here is just to fill the blank of no special dates (with gifts), but it’s a so wonderful day! For those who have a date, obviously. I don’t have one, but I will not cry because I’m still fourteen! However, this was kind off a depressing day, because everywhere you can find flowers and couples making outJ. So, be happy if you have one! Because all you need is love guys! I need to do another thing in here, about this special day. In our school, you can send a flower to your best friends. And I’m a little broke, so I couldn’t buy one for them. So, I will make my testimonial here, to last forever. Ana and Rafa, I love you so much!; You’re just too good to be true; I can’t get my eyes off you [husahushsahsauhsuahas].

I want too break free with you, girlicious!

Pessimistic, you are ze best too!

Kisses, Hugs and love, Livi, the cupid

Young Addiction

Posted on 20:04:00 by Livi Gerbase | 4 scraps

Everyday, I surprise myself a little more about my generation. The ones that really need to change the world are proving that will pass without anyone notice again. There are lots off problems, like alienation, which I had already said. But here I will talk about one that makes me angry everyday. Drugs, more especially alcohol. Sorry for my friends who drink, but here is my blog, don’t get mad at me! I will always respect your point of view, like I will respect any point that anyone make here. And I never talk about a specific person in this blog.
You are ready for a party. For a normal person, who is called crazy now, gets excited is enough to go there. Is so good to have a party to go, with food and dance. Why you need desperately a drink to fell better, to get excited to go? Is cause, you knowing or not, you are an addicted with 15 years old. If the term addicted is too much, you, deep inside your heard (livi’s statement :D) know that you need a drink to enjoy the party.
Do not think that is normal drink with 15, 14 and even 13 years. And just cause everyone drinks, you don’t have to drink too. Enjoy the moment, and your body will make you like it.
By the end of our generation, we will probably have already told our children that they are the ones whose parents didn’t have the power to change the situation and that is time to they change the world.

Love, Livi

Saving and destroying the world with the same gun.

Posted on 21:51:00 by Livi Gerbase | 3 scraps

Friday, I saw a movie with some friends, Narnia II. It's another normal movie, a typical adventure, with war, blood and fights. But it made me think about a subject: What’s the difference between kill the king of a nation or kill a normal person? NONE! And no one notice that.
A president’s murdered is a very horrible person. He, at least, is going to jail, for good. One person that he kills and that’s it for his life.
But what about a soldier? He usually kills a thousand and he is the best is his business! Kill one person is absolutely normal, if he doesn’t he will get in a lot of trouble.
The problem, as I already said, is there’s no difference! Why the soldier didn’t go to jail, like the murdered? Because of a stupid name,and because the soldier’s carrier is kill to save his country.
The murdered maybe will regret of killing this person, who has already been an ordinary person that nobody recognized. And the other one will sleep thinking how good he is, being very proud.
The causes? The society. The consequences? Nothing and also everything. The difference? The name. The similarity? The gun.

x.o.x.o! Gossip girl :P


Posted on 20:10:00 by Livi Gerbase | 2 scraps

Brazil’s population, mostly teenagers, is in “Stand By”, in another planet. People see the hungry, the oddness and the corruption, just to start the gigantic list off world’s problems, as an image, a sound. When everyone will notice that we are in a boring and stupid society, that will die of hungry and desperation sooner that you think? Unfortunately, is going to be when the difficulty knocks in our door and force itself to enter. Feel the pain of who is close to you, using the sensibility to resolve the problems off the world will make a difference. However, almost every human being didn’t feel yet love and compaction for strangers.
Today, it was ordered to us do a little paragraph about some big problem that happens in Brazil. After I wrote, my first thinking was to write it here, because I really liked. :D

♥, ;@

Into The Wild

Posted on 22:06:00 by Livi Gerbase | 4 scraps

Good night everybody! How you doing? (Joey's expression :D) Today, i'm here to make some critics about a movie. A movie which had changed my life and my point of view about the life and about the society. Into the wild is a perfect movie directed by Sean Penn and acted by Emile Hirsch.
Summary: Based on a true story. After graduating from Emory University in 1992, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandoned his possessions, gave his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhiked to Alaska to live in the wilderness. Along the way, Christopher encounters a series of characters who shape his life.
But this little summary is nothing compare to the real movie. Like I allways said, good movies are drama movies, the ones that make you cry and think about it for a long time after seeing. And these one... i cried for 20 minutes after the movie! hsuashauhsausauh. Everything is perfect! You must see it. And don't have prejudice because is an americam movie or a "not pop" one. It is so much better!
Just for you to know, two songs in my blog are Into The Wild songs, Rise and Hard Sun. The whole movie is with specials songs, made specially for the movie's situations.
Ok, I already speak enough about the movie, that's it for today. And I really hope that you will see it and talk about it a lot with me!

"Society, your crazy breed, hope you are not lonely without me..." (Society- Eddie Vedder)

♥, ;@