
Posted on 18:06:00 by Livi Gerbase | 1 scraps

You are alone. You lie down in a place when the floor is warm and soft. Your eyes are close and you can't even feel your body. You are surrounded by nice and soft sounds and clean air. It doesn't matter where you are exactly, in a city full of lights or a rainy forest, but you are where you are suppose to be. You are free. Completely free. Free from your problems and responsabilites. There's no one watching you.

If you really want to, you can share this moment with a person. Just put her/him in your imagination, just let her/him be next to you, quietly.

You are finally calm, with a confortable sense of happiness (not the material sense, the one that is always with you). And it's like you had always known why there's life, why you are breathing. after all.

And you just be. No rush. Just because =)

1 scraps:

Livi Gerbase disse...

no pot involved xD