TV Shows
Hello good people! I'm here because my blog is losing popularity; I only got one scrap on the last post. Huashushashaus kidding :]. Check out the list of the best TV and realities shows ever:
1) The OC: The best show ever, my favorite. The OC had changed my life in so many ways, o grow up watching it. It is about a boy that sees his life changing a lot when he’s helped by Sandy Cohen and went to live with him and his family, and met Marisa, THE girl. I do love this show, and you can say anything about him that I will not care, cause is my passion. In Brazil: Warner Channel, 16h, everyday but weekends (is already finished).
2) Project Runaway: Fifteeeeen designers! Heidi Klum and all her personality and beauty stars a show, witch is about producing clothes. Is so good to watch! The challenges are very good and difficult, is nice to watch the designers trying to do an outfit made by plants or groceries. In Brazil: Now is not passing, but I think this year will start the 4º season, in People and Arts
3) Friends: It’s the best comedy show in the history of television. The jokes are not forced and make you laugh like no other show. Chandler and Rachel are better than the others, but all of them are perfect! I already bought 3 seasons, but I will have all of them soon, I guess. In Brazil: everyday, but weekends, at 20 p.m, in Warner Channel (is already finished).
4) Gossip Girl: It looks like The O.C, is made by the same director, but has more action, more gossip. I got addicted and download everything before launch here, and worth it. In Brazil: Tuesdays, 21 p.m, Warner Channel.
5) Rome: History always gets my attention, and Rome is just like that! It had only 2 seasons, but it’s perfect! It’s not like teens drama, is real historical things! It’s a little “strong”, the kids can’t see it, but what can we do :] In Brazil: Just downloading.
5.1) Gilmore Girls: It’s a lurch! GG is very good TV show about two girls and very good dialogs. Rory and Lorelai doesn’t make us cry (with the exception of the last episode), but it has a totally different way that any other TV show has! In Brazil: everyday, but weekends, at 3 p.m, in Warner Channel
Other really good shows: American Idol, America’s Next Top Model, The Big Bang Theory, Sex and the City, Drake and Josh, Ned.

Kisses and go watch then! Livi
3 scraps:
yeah, as my tv programer sucks, I'm not able to see these shows...
but, anyway, livi, we DO NOT write witch(bruxa), we write wich...
and from whom was the single srap of the other thing?? me! sahushua
just kidding xD
see, i incentivate you and i love the things that you write!
you just forgot to put Lost, House, 24 and Prision Break! uhu! /o/
and continue to write ^^
I love Friends! It is a good show. BUT, American Idol is sooo good! :)
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