TV Shows

Posted on 21:50:00 by Livi Gerbase | 3 scraps
Posted on 22:09:00 by Livi Gerbase | 2 scraps
Good parties for everybody! And let's have some fun!
Livii .
Posted on 16:29:00 by Livi Gerbase | 2 scraps
Posted on 20:30:00 by Livi Gerbase | 1 scraps
I want too break free with you, girlicious!
Pessimistic, you are ze best too!
Kisses, Hugs and love, Livi, the cupid
Posted on 20:04:00 by Livi Gerbase | 4 scraps
Everyday, I surprise myself a little more about my generation. The ones that really need to change the world are proving that will pass without anyone notice again. There are lots off problems, like alienation, which I had already said. But here I will talk about one that makes me angry everyday. Drugs, more especially alcohol. Sorry for my friends who drink, but here is my blog, don’t get mad at me! I will always respect your point of view, like I will respect any point that anyone make here. And I never talk about a specific person in this blog.
You are ready for a party. For a normal person, who is called crazy now, gets excited is enough to go there. Is so good to have a party to go, with food and dance. Why you need desperately a drink to fell better, to get excited to go? Is cause, you knowing or not, you are an addicted with 15 years old. If the term addicted is too much, you, deep inside your heard (livi’s statement :D) know that you need a drink to enjoy the party.
Do not think that is normal drink with 15, 14 and even 13 years. And just cause everyone drinks, you don’t have to drink too. Enjoy the moment, and your body will make you like it.
By the end of our generation, we will probably have already told our children that they are the ones whose parents didn’t have the power to change the situation and that is time to they change the world.
Love, Livi
Posted on 21:51:00 by Livi Gerbase | 3 scraps
Posted on 20:10:00 by Livi Gerbase | 2 scraps
Posted on 22:06:00 by Livi Gerbase | 4 scraps
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