
Posted on 23:48:00 by Livi Gerbase | 0 scraps

That’s me, touching in one of the most controversial topics ever. Religion is so polemic that people are dying everyday because they have a different idea about who God is. Even though we are in a materialistic society, everyone has already stopped once to think who God is, or even if they believe in him after all. Sometimes, God just shows up when the person really needs him, like a lost or an illness. For me, it’s not important how they enter; the important is for him to never leave.
Does He care if you go to a church every Sunday or if you sing a little song for him everyday? We can’t forget that we, humans, are the ones who invented that, with God’s intervention on not. Will He really be mad at you if you don’t wear a turban or a veil? Does all this matter? Isn’t the important your soul? Or the good deeds that you realize during your life? Is your place guaranteed in heaven or in god knows where because you act like a religious guy, even though you don’t have any respect with the world around you? (Oh gosh, so many questions, so little answers).
Why religions have to be so separated from each other? Or you are A or you are B, you CAN’T believe in both, or in neither. One religion could compliment other or explain things that the first one can’t explain. The problem also is when the religion is already chosen for you by your country or your family. Everyone should study about all religions and acquire knowledge about them before decide what they’ll believe. The important, when the subject is religion, is to BELIEVE, having faith and hope, and, because of that, have a more pleasant life. For Bob, even love can be a religion.
Some religions were invented by men with some controversial interests, like fortune or society’s alienation. They were created and recreated as the period of history requires. That, for me, is just very, very wrong. But some others have an old and good tradition, and these ones have some truth inside them.
I’ll have doubts if I had to answer which religion is mine. And all this is my opinion, feel free to disagree, and let’s make that an exchange of points of view. Ok, I think that’s it for today.

ps: horrible English; it’s midnight, and I’m sleepy and with too many ideas in my head.

Let it be

Posted on 22:40:00 by Livi Gerbase | 0 scraps

The Beatles, in one of their most beautiful songs, sum up my text today: people have got to let it be! Life is much simpler than it looks like (for people with basic life conditions, obviously). One of the reasons life’s good is because you never know what will happen, or how you are going to face a fact or an embarrassing situation. There’s no need to arrange everything or be mad when a little situation don’t follow your plans. Of course some things need to be organized, but the ‘not knowing’ what’s going on is very good as well, just go with the flow or play in the hey. (friends addition).
There are things in life that you just can’t control then. There are not your fault, of mine, or anyone’s, they just happen. Can you control what people think of you, the weather, or the traffic? That’s my point, you can’t. So how are you going to be mad of something that is not you decision?
Things fall from tables or buildings, it rains when you just don’t want to, people keep on knocking you out or gossiping about your best friends and that outfit won’t fit. There’s no need to be mad or angry.
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be :D

ps: Inspiration- two days ago I was really pissed of, walking in the rain, at night. But when I looked to the shy I realized how beautiful the night was (the moon was perfect) and how I was loosing all this because of my anger.